Thursday, July 9, 2009

our new chairs!!

I am so excited to debut our new director's chairs! I needed to get a high director's chair so I didn't break my back while doing makeup anymore. Stephanie's 25th birthday was coming up, so I decided to make ones for us as a surprise...Cindy at Dynamic Creation's did a fabulous job matching our colors & fonts on our business logo. I bought the chairs from Pier 1, they are $69 for the taller chair & $49 for the smaller chair. They are perfect & so much more comfortable for our clients!! I think one time I had a client sitting on my makeup turns into an actual stool, but it's hard plastic...I assure you these are much more relaxing as well + it takes me less time to do makeup because I am not bending down anymore ;)

Cindy @ Dynamic Creations:
They also do all my parents graphic t-shirts & logos!
Photo Credit: Bliss Photography